Sunday, November 14, 2010

Geeking Out!

I had a breakfast of champions yesterday...

Then off to the Sci-Fi museum where I saw the Battlestar Galactica exhibit.
Yes, I am a total geek and proud of it!


  1. Please tell me they had #5 there from the movie Short Circuit?

    Blade runner, excellent.

  2. battlestar galactica! androids!

    i call your geek and raise you an anything for "farscape?"

  3. Bozi, No #5 but they did have the Rocketeer outfit and I thought of you!

    Trent, I think you win!

  4. yay for me!

    but wait....

    there's a pic of food on a biker blog!

    all right all right. at least its my fave doughnut, old fashioned with chocolate frosting and a cup of coffee. if you'da had a pic of some freaking eggs and sausage i'd be making a joke about sex.
